The submitLoggerEvent function calls ‘logger.php’ around line 30 of the index.txt file.
#Splunk sideview showhide example download
If you don’t have jQuery, go here to download the jQuery script. If you already have that library installed on your web server (“installed” is a strong term - it’s just a single file that needs to be saved somewhere), modify the reference to that file on line 11 of index.txt to the correct location. This script relies on the standard jQuery library.
#Splunk sideview showhide example how to
This file contains the code you’ll need to make sure is on every page, as well as some samples of interactions and how to tag them.

One of the (many, many) beautiful things about Splunk is that you can emulate the traditional client-side tracking offered by off-the-shelf analytics tools, but without the limits imposed by those tools. The ideal is to have both client-side and server-side tracking in the same package. In other words, if you have a power user that is clicking all around your site, your analytics tool may eventually stop tracking that session. In some cases, you’re limited by the number of characters you can include in your call, and you’re limited by the number of events per user in a given time period. The down side is that your client-side tagging is beholden to your analytics tool’s limits. So, the upside of client-side tracking is that you can track any interaction. This means that in order to use those products, you must pepper your site with javascript code that - when triggered by a page load, mouse over, or mouse click - “phone home” to tell the analytics tool that a user loaded, clicked, or moused over something. Most of the current roster - like Google Analytics, Omniture Site Catalyst, and WebTrends - are client-side and typically rely on “tagging”. Great (client-side) taste! Less (server-side) filling! In the history of web analytics, analytics tools have evolved from client-side to server-side and back again. Those are client-side interactions that didn’t require the page to reload and therefore are lost to the analytical ages, unless you have a way to capture those actions. For example, you could “mouse over” the list of categories on the right nav or toggle the Tag list between “List” and “Cloud”. However, there are some interactions you can have with this page that won’t show up in the logs. You’ve loaded this page and that action has been recorded in the apache server log, also known as server-side.

What is server-side and client-side? Let’s say you’re reading this on. This blog shows how you can send both server-side and client-side data to Splunk and have the best of both worlds. Those logs are useful, but in many cases they only provide half the picture. Many of our customers use Splunk to analyze their Web traffic simply by indexing their apache or IIS server logs.