If you’re having trouble with this part, you can feasibly run out of supplies, but you hopefully won’t have nearly that much issue. Check out the first 20 minutes of Tormented Souls, a new survival-horror game inspired by Resident Evil and Alone in the Dark. The tits and eyes (okay, eye) are out, and the stakes are set. You’ll have to get this right three times in a row to successfully clear each of these.
If you’re slightly off, you’ll miss and the tendril will wrap itself around the console again, requiring you to repeat the same steps to get another crack at it. You need to time this carefully and it might take you a bit of practice to actually get it down. You want to hit the button on the console while one of the openings is right next to the rod that extends when you press the button. This will show you three spinning wheels with openings in them. Once they’re out of the way, all you have to do is interact with the console. The crowbar takes it out in about six hits, so you might want to use the electric lance, which just needs a single charge to put them down. You can use whatever you like to hurt the tendril. The boss can still hit you while you’re doing this, of course.

Simply walk up to them and damage them until they’re out of the way. There are shells for that in this room too.) Once you do, the tendrils on the consoles will come alive. Shoot it with five nails (or you can use the shotgun if you’d prefer. To start with, find a console and then walk to a part of the walkway that’s close to the boss, remembering to move out of the way when you need to. The basic gist of the fight is that you have to use all three consoles to get through this section. You technically only need 15 nails to beat the boss, so, as long as you’ve made it this far, you can’t get stuck as long as you know what you’re doing. These supplies include a medkit and nails. There are three consoles wrapped with tendrils, as well as supplies. Your first course of action is to get a feel for the area. Most of the time, this is a good thing, but as it. If you dodge when you hear this attack’s audio cue (press square/X while aiming) you won’t take any damage if you time it right either. Tormented Souls was made in a very deliberate attempt to bring back classic survival horror on every level, and it succeeded with flying colors. It shoots blood at you every few seconds, but the good news is that it can’t hit you while you’re moving. I’m not saying that this part takes multiple tries or anything, but you never know.Īs you’ll notice immediately, the boss is a big beating heart-esque monster on a cross. I hope you hit up that save point right before, though.
You’re here now and I’m going to explain how to get through this section, and that’s what matters. It kind of implies that there are other bosses, which there aren’t, but “final boss” sounds so much clearer than just “boss,” don’t you think? It’s also more akin to a puzzle than a boss fight, but whatever. We cannot assure you if there will be nudity since our game focuses on. Saying that Tormented Souls has a “final boss” is actually misleading, so I’m sorry about that.