Few or phew
Few or phew

few or phew

You behold in me Only a traveling Physician One of the few who have a mission To cure incurable diseases, Or those that are called so. The lawyer looked at me suspiciously for a few moments and then remarked : " You seem to be greatly interested in John Bellingham and his affairs. This coming week it’s not worrying about what’s in The Sun, it’s worrying about the sun.Late that night, before she went to bed, Joan came and snuggled her hand close down beside him for a few moments. ‘If you saw a heat wave, would you wave back?’ Steven Wright In doing so we give our society, our country, half a chance to affect real change. In doing so we create some issues for ourselves: the challenge, the questioning, the debate. Our children and young people will get that rounded education. They might say that ‘we should teach the set curriculum the facts as they are stated in the handbook / textbook’. Not to do so would be to abdicate our responsibilities. We, therefore, need to work with our children and young people, not solely to ‘receive facts’ but to ensure they can challenge, evaluate, criticise, review and counter.

few or phew

I say sadly because there is significant ‘false news’ out there, which children may take, can take as the truth. Sadly, most news is received these days not from those ‘red tops’ but via the internet. We have a moral, ethical and societal responsibility to educate our children. Not just what are the immediate consequences of such extremes but why these extremes in the weather do occur. We do all that we can do to ensure that our children, young people and staff body are protected, however coupled with this is our responsibility, as educators, to ensure that the children and young people understand. The schools have taken reasonable and proportionate measures to ensure that the children and adults are safe in the buildings and will take care to ensure that a reasonable approach is taken out of the buildings. Whatever you’re doing over the next couple of days, I wonder whether you might take some time to prepare for that terrifically hot period and think about your strategies for supporting other people, who may not be as able to manage such extremes. It seems to me that those days have passed and it’s now happening right now and it’s all very real. Just a few years ago the narrative was that it wouldn’t be something we would necessarily experience but we would need to make sure that we’d leave a decent world for our children and grandchildren. Global climate warming seems to be one of those enormous issues. If we are not measured in our approach or proportionate in personal responses we, as individuals, can become overwhelmed by the magnitude of the global issues we face. It looks like that record will be beaten again in the next couple of days and somewhere in the UK we may find temperatures topping 40☌. The highest ever temperature recorded in the UK was only three years ago. There will be some that say we have had exceptional weather forever but it seems to me that the trend is now set. It clearly isn’t normal and isn’t typical. We could make light of the fact that we are due to have a terrifically hot couple of days, early next week, but that would be foolish and would be to ignore the impact, more widely, of such high temperatures.

few or phew

Those tabloids may not have had the highest journalistic standards but at least they (broadly) told the truth. We don’t seem to read the newspapers these days, we take our news via alternative means. That’s the old headline, for those of you who remember the tabloids in their terrible heyday, of the seventies and eighties.

Few or phew